Ms. Criss- Harvey's 5th Grade Class
Welcome to 5th grade! My name is Carrie Criss-Harvey and I have been a teacher for over 12 years. My teaching experience has included teaching art in high school and pre-K – 8th grade as well as teaching 4th grade here at NCSA for the past two years. This year I am so excited to move up to 5th grade with many of my students!
This year we will dive into ecosystems, the hydrosphere, and space exploration in science with hands-on experiments and projects. In math, we will start tackling large numbers in multiplication and division, fractions and percentages enjoying several awesome games and projects along the way. In writing, we will learn how to become persuasive writers and speakers and we will create narrative stories to fill the pages of our own books. I am really looking forward to a wonderful year of fun and learning with you!

- Read a Book
Reading is the magic doorway into other worlds. I hope you have been going through that doorway all summer. Think about the different kinds of books you like to read, your favorite authors, and the connections that books have with other things you love. As school begins I will ask you to put together (as best you can) a list of books you’ve read and to complete a Reader’s Survey where you tell me about yourself as a reader and the kinds of things you like to read.
- Make Art and Music
Bring a love of being creative and expressive to 5th Grade. You’ll have Instrumental Music classes. We’ll sing songs, dance, listen to and make music in class and you’ll have a chance to perform music as part of our plays and at an end-of-year performance. Art will be all around us, in your Art Class, through your own art, in our History, Science, and even Math. At this ‘school of the arts,’ it’s all about exploring and expressing, not perfection. Everyone is a musician, a dancer, a singer, a painter, a storyteller, an actor. So don’t be shy. Be ready to join in.
- Be Scientific
Just as we are all naturally musical and artistic we are all also naturally scientific. We all have questions about the world. We all like to notice things and observe closely. And there is something that attracts us to the world around us. Maybe we love animals, love to play sports, love to be in nature or love to build things and see how they work. All that is connected to Science. So be ready to look closely at things, to ask questions, to tinker and build, to experiment and design. It’s all part of Science and it can be so much fun.
- Bring Supplies
Finally, come to school the first week or even the first day with your School Supplies. Check out the list. Get organized. There is a combination of personal, class, and home items. Personal items should be labeled, if possible, with your name.
Looking forward to a great year of adventure, laughter, new friendships, and learning,