Audio Books
Hello Families,
Last week I failed to mention a favorite book on the subject of raising boys, Mama Says: A Book of Love for Mothers and Sons by Walker and Dillon. This book continues to be a favorite read aloud in our home while snuggling close. If you have sons, I hope you’ll check it out.
Audio Books
My family members are all signed up for audiobooks now, and we use them regularly. Today we downloaded The One and Only Ivan, White Fragility, and The 57 Bus is on hold in my queue. On Thursday, parent Dré Maher introduced me to a library program called Zip Books. When the library doesn’t own a new book you are interested in reading you can fill out a Zip Book request using your library card and the book will be sent to your home directly from Amazon. You may keep it for up to two months. When you return the book, it is cataloged for other library users to borrow. Click on Zip Books for more info!
I also talked about audio books to Eleni Rogers, our School Psychologist Intern, and here’s what she had to say about them:
“This summer my family (sons age 7 and 10) explored audiobooks. Did you know the public library has two different apps for audiobooks for free? Libby and Hoopla both work with your public library card. So now in addition to reading as a family at home, we listen to books while we are driving to and from school. At this point, we have listened to the entire Percy Jackson series written by Rick Riordan. My family can now converse fairly fluently about Greek mythology. We are thinking of reading/listening to his Egyptian series next. In the meantime, we are reading Tolkien’s Fellowship of the Ring at home.”
Thank you, Eleni!
Have a lovely week full of reading and family time – May your reading experiences take you to new places!
Angie DeFeyter