Raising strong girls and unbiased boys

In this week’s Nook, Angie shares more reading resources for parents on raising strong girls and unbiased boys.


After speaking with Elisa Parker, a parent at NCSA and founder of See Jane Do, I decided to share parenting books this week.  The Nook takes you to a website with a blog full of books for parents to read about raising strong girls.  The website A Mighty Girl wrote the blog,  25 Parenting Books About Raising Mighty Girls.  They have recommended exceptional books on how to navigate raising strong girls into confident women.   Elisa is currently reading one of the recommended books on A Mighty Girl, Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy Orenstein. Elisa recommends you check out New Moon Girls a website for supporting girls to be themselves and connect with other girls being themselves.  The New Moon Girls has a magazine published for girls six times a year.


And for some story books you can read to your boys and girls, please check out this link with book recommendations and some provoking questions to ask your kids as you read them together! https://www.teachers.org.uk/sites/default/files2014/childs-play-20pp-final-for-website_0.pdf


Finally, here are some easy tips for raising boys without bias https://www.sanluisobispo.com/living/family/linda-lewis-griffith/article218576505.html


I hope that you will take the time to check out the sites in the nook and let me know what you think after you’ve read them.


Empowerment and courage for the difficult job of parenting,

Angie DeFeyter