
Welcome to the 1st Grade with Ms. Gladiz De La Torre

I am excited to be the new first-grade teacher at Nevada City School of the Arts! I recently moved to Nevada City from the Tahoe area. My husband and I are thrilled to be out of the snow and off Donner Summit! 2023/24 will be my eighth year of teaching. My experience teaching has been in TK and  Kindergarten in Spanish at a bilingual immersion program. I am looking forward to the new experience of teaching a First Grade!

In my classroom, I like to ensure our environment is welcoming and that each child feels safe, respected, and valued. I believe in honoring each student’s individuality and giving them opportunities to express themselves. Giving students choices and letting their voices be heard is something I highly value. Developing meaningful and authentic relationships with each child is also something I cherish very much.

During my free time, I love to swim at the river, cook, garden, read, travel, and spend time with our four little pups!

I am excited to join this beautiful community on the incredible campus!

Supply List: Click here

First Grade Highlights

  • Two classes a week with our art specialist
  • Two classes a week with our movement specialist
  • One class a week with our music specialist


Units of Study:

First-Grade Units of Study

  • August/September—We will begin with our names and who we are. We learn routines, and expectations, and build a foundation for strong social-emotional and academic learning. We will begin learning number sense, numbers 0-10, and engineering. We build our class and school community.


  • October –Next, we study the harvest, insects, and plant structure. We take a field study to Mountain Bounty Farm. We learn nursery rhymes and have our first play (Mother Goose). We study addition and number facts 0-10.


  • November/December –We study birds and we honor multicultural celebrations and the seasons. We learn the value of different traditions and honor our own. We will study subtraction facts 0-10 and word problems.


  • January/February – We learn about real-life heroes that have and continue to change our world. We learn about our personal strengths as well. Students will learn their place in space. We learn, write, and create. We will study place value, geometry, shapes, and patterns.


  • March – This month, we begin our studies of mammals, geography, and habitats. We begin rehearsal for The Show (our spring collaborative first-grade performance). We will work on math fact fluency, number talks, and problem-solving.


  • April – We’ll finish up mammal studies, look at the science of light and waves, and begin studying space. We will work on math operations (addition and subtraction) for numbers 0-20.


  • May – This month we will finish up our studies of space and solar systems. We will learn how to tell time, count money, and practice strengthening our skills.


  • June – We will take a look back – how much we have grown and what we have endeavored to learn. A celebration of us! We have our first-grade class celebrations and honor one another.

