Health Services
Healthy Students Learn Better
Lisa Poggensee, RN, BSN Credentialed School Nurse for Nevada County Charter Services Schools.
We recognize the connection between health and academic achievement, and the importance of using evidence-based policies and practices to promote student health and wellness. Health Services credentialed school nurse, teachers, and staff provide health-related interventions, assessments, screenings, education, procedures, and referrals. We are health advocates for children by assisting families and communities to manage health problems and enable students to access to learning.
The school nurse is a crucial member of the educational team who attends to the health and well-being of all students and is a liaison with the family and medical care sources. If you have questions about school nursing or information on this page, contact Lisa Poggensee, RN, BSN Credentialed School Nurse for Nevada County Charter Services Schools.
My mission is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and by identifying and assisting in the elimination or modifications of health-related barriers to learning.
As the School Nurse for Nevada City School of the Arts, I possess a California (CA) School Nurse Services Credential and am a CA Registered Nurse (RN). As the School Nurse I am part of our multidisciplinary team established to meet the health and educational needs of all students. This includes health assessment, communicable disease control, state-mandated screenings, such as vision and hearing, first aid and disaster preparedness, immunization follow-up, oral health, child abuse reporting, suicide risk assessment, utilization of approved community resources, and health education of students and staff. I train, assign and supervise unlicensed personnel to provide Specialized Physical Health Care Services at school. I also focus on students’ health and promote student attendance and achievement.
24/7/365 Mental Health Care Coordination Service for Nevada City School of the Arts Students, Staff, and their Families