Positive Discipline
Dear Families,
What a great time to be a part of NCSA for so many reasons including Positive Discipline. Last week I had the opportunity to sit in on Positive Discipline (PD) lessons in many of the K-5 classrooms and what I’ve seen is fantastic! Please join us at home and teach your children valuable social and life skills with a parenting program of encouragement and mutual respect for every life stage.
With the PD lessons happening in all the grades, inexpensive Positive Discipline Workshops at hand on our campus led by our child whisperer, Jenn G., this is the perfect opportunity for you to join in at home. I urge you to look into this work for your family no matter if you are a single parent, a parent of a toddler or the parent of a teenager, there is something there for you.
Here are links to the Positive Discipline website (Positive Discipline for Parenting: Website), tool cards for purchase (Tool Cards for Parents: Purchase), they have an app for the tool cards too, and a link to buy the book (Positive Discipline for Parents: Thrift books for purchase). Just reading the book alone or using the tool cards is a great start but they won’t give you all you need. The experiential parts of PD are of great importance, so you can step into the work to gain an understanding of how to move into true mutual respect with your child. The material is accessible and it gives a strong foundation that applies to all scenarios, with all types of families.
Parenting is a journey where we are always in process, and Positive Discipline gives us the tools to use on our journey to become kind and firm, hold positive boundaries, be mutually respectful, and offer incredible citizens to the world.
Thanks for reading,
Ms. DeFeyter