Riley James- NCSA class of 2013
Riley James- NCSA class of 2013
Riley attended NCSA from kindergarten through the 8th grade. Not only is Riley a full-time high school student, he is also a college student through the Ghidotti Early College High School program. Taking a total of 11 units right now plus high school courses. He is heavily involved in school and extra-curricular activities. As of right now, he is the vice president of the Ghidotti Key Club, the co-founder of the Ghidotti Pre-Medicine Club, and a member of the California Scholarship Federation.Riley was also just recently accepted into a Stanford Medicine Clinical Summer Internship at the Stanford School of Medicine!! Congratulations Riley!! We are so proud of you!
Riley is raising money to help pay for the internship through a gofundme campaign, all possible proceeds will go towards the expense of the program.( $4800.)
Click Here to help support Riley: https://www.gofundme.com/
“I am extremely passionate for medicine, and am extremely thrilled to be given this opportunity.”
-Riley James
We asked Riley what his favorite thing about NCSA was, he said...I would have to say my favorite thing about NCSA was the community of people that surrounded me.