Welcome back

Ms. DeFeyter’s Reading Nook

Welcome back to school! I hope you enjoyed the long days of summer and are ready to jump back in to school. This summer our family read two books out loud together that became favorites, The Princess Bride, by William Goldman and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling.  If you haven’t read The Princess Bride, I highly recommend it as a read aloud; it is simply one of the best. And if you haven’t spent time reading aloud as a family, you are missing valuable experiences, and I hope you’ll start today!

In order to promote reading at home, I’d like to introduce you to NCSA’s Bartholomew the Bookworm. Bartholomew will start his reading adventure above the door to Ms.Emma’s office.  Each month classes will add circles with the names of the books they have read creating Bartholomew’s long body.  As Bartholomew grows, we hope he’ll reach around the atrium, down the hallway, and back to Ms. Emma’s office.   Each student will fill in their book title on a colored circle representing their grade. These different colors of Bartholomew’s body will allow us a visual of just how many books each grade reads. We can’t wait to watch him grow! –  Ms. DeFeyter (Angie).