Fun Multiplication Activities

At the beginning of last week Mr. G asked me to find multiplication activities to support his 5th-Grade students with home practice and I realized that what I found would be excellent for the Reading Nook and More.  The suggestions below are about hands on games, Youtube Videos, books, songs, and apps for multiplication practice.  As you support your child in learning you may wish to use the ideas I’ve attached. I prefer playing the games that are linked at the top, reading books, and singing songs, because these three things have us interacting, laughing, conversing and enjoying each other’s company while learning.


May you enjoy a good game together this week,


Angie Maxson-DeFeyter



22 Math Games: Multiplication  These are set up for teachers but many of them look easy to make for family play

Multiplication Games for Families



I found three YouTube videos that might be beneficial, listed below in the order of most helpful to least useful in my mind’s eye.

·       The Fastest Way to Learn Multiplication Facts

·       Learn All Your Multiplication Tables in Under Ten Minutes

·       Multiplication Memorization (and why it’s so hard)



Parents you can also search for songs to support memorizing multiplication.  I would recommend you play them in the car, singing them together as a family.  There are many variations to math songs so you may find a version that will work for your family.  I remember having three CD’s when I taught fourth-grade, Multiplication Rap, Rock, and Country, I imagine there are many more out there now.



13 Books to Teach Kids About Multiplication